Philip Hoare’s RisingTideFallingStar: Frock Coats and the End of Empire

Bowie on Outside in 1995 interview with Larry Katz:  “Outside is set at the end of the millennium. What are your thoughts about what’s in store?” Bowie: “‘I’m very positive about it. …What Brian and I are trying to do is develop a series of albums that trace the last five years of  the ‘90s. […]

Read More Philip Hoare’s RisingTideFallingStar: Frock Coats and the End of Empire

Sailor’s Journals, Part 10: Wisdom

If you don’t read anything else, skip to the end and read the extended quotations about Heathen — and mortality and music.  These are a few of the passages from Sailor’s Journals I found particularly affecting. Some I have written about before. On Grief & Empathy: One of the very earliest entries, 9/4/1998, was posted two […]

Read More Sailor’s Journals, Part 10: Wisdom